Displaying Matplotlib Navigation Toolbar in Tkinter via grid

CodingCat picture CodingCat · Oct 16, 2012 · Viewed 13.2k times · Source

I'm developing a small Tkinter GUI to draw matplotlib-plots. (It contains a few Entries and assembles the plot according to their content.)

I have designed my plotting widget according to http://matplotlib.org/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_tk.html, only I use grid instead of pack:

canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=root)

That part works. But embedding the NavigationToolbar in the same fashion does not. Tkinter breaks down without error when I include the lines:

toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg( canvas, root )

I know this is because NavigationToolbar calls pack internally, and pack and grid don't get along. However, I like grid and would hate to have to redesign my whole GUI just to be able to use the NavigationToolbar.

Is there a workaround so I can use NavigationToolbar2TkAgg via grid? (I have found the advice to "subclass and overload" here, but don't know how to do that.)

Any help greatly appreciated!


Bryan Oakley picture Bryan Oakley · Oct 16, 2012

Can you create an empty frame, then put the NavigationToolbar in that frame? I assume the NavigationToolbar will then pack itself in that frame. You can then use grid on the frame.