grep is a command-line text-search utility originally written for Unix.
Let me start off by saying I don't want to print only the duplicate lines nor do I want to …
grep duplicate-data line-breaks no-matchIs it possible (and if so, how) with xml_grep to get the value of a specific attribute from a …
xml linux command-line grep xmllintI've spent the past 3 days without much luck on google on how to run a grep process from within Java. …
java linux process grep processbuilderI'm sure this has been asked but I can't find it so my apologies for redundancy. I want to use …
regex grep protein-databaseI want to replace a phonetic symbol between phonetic transcription slashes like this: /anycharacter*ou*anycharacter/ to /anycharacter*au*anycharacter/ …
regex grep textwranglerI'm sure I'm misunderstanding something about ack's file/directory ignore defaults, but perhaps somebody could shed some light on this …
grep ackI have a file called "physics". In bash, if I try x="physics 1b" grep "string" "$x".sh …
bash grep double quotes variable-expansion