I received the following error when trying to install GraphLab Create on Windows.
There was a problem creating the "gl-env" conda environment. Restart GraphLab Create Launcher.
Any advice on how to fix this?
In order to solve the problem I had to slightly modify the
procedure with the following changes:
Step 1: Download Anaconda2 v4.0.0
Step 2: Install Anaconda Run Anaconda2 v4.0.0 installer. Double-click the .exe file to install Anaconda and follow the instructions on the screen.
Step 3: Create conda environment Create a new conda environment with Python 2.7.x
CD anaconda2/scripts/
conda install -n root _license
conda update pip
conda create -n gl-env python=2.7 anaconda=4.0.0
Activate the conda environment
activate gl-env
Step 4: Ensure pip version >= 7
Ensure pip is updated to the latest version
miniconda users may need to install pip first, using conda install pip
CD anaconda2/envs/gl-env/
conda install pip or conda update pip
Install your licensed copy of GraphLab Create
pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir https://get.graphlab.com/GraphLab-Create/2.1/ your registered email address here/your product key here/GraphLab-Create-License.tar.gz
Step 6: Ensure installation of IPython and IPython Notebook Install or update IPython and IPython Notebook
conda install ipython-notebook
Step 7: Start IPhyton Notebook Start IPhyton from gl-env
ipython notebook