Ubuntu 14.04 how to install cuda 6.5 without installing nvidia driver

Belal Medhat picture Belal Medhat · Dec 5, 2014 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

I am working on workstation with CPU core I7 4790 and two GPUs GTX 760 4 GB ram/1152 core the system's memory is 16 GB RAM I have Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS after many tries and reinstalling Ubuntu many times finally i have correctly installed nvidia driver 340.46 using 3 shell commands ppa xorg-edgers

now i want to install Cuda 6.5 toolkit but in the manual they say that the cuda toolkit installer will also install nvidia Graphics driver

how to prevent the installer from reinstall the graphics driver how to install cuda 6.5 toolkit without reinstalling my graphics driver because i faced many problems until i installed 340.46 correctly

and after successfully installing cuda toolkit 6.5 how to upgrade my graphics driver without disturbing cuda toolkit and reinstall everything from the beginning


Robert Crovella picture Robert Crovella · Dec 5, 2014

If you use the runfile installer method, the toolkit installer will prompt you individually for each of the 3 components:

  1. GPU Driver
  2. CUDA Toolkit
  3. CUDA Samples

So use the runfile installer method, and simply select "no" to the first prompt, if you don't want to install the driver. You can still install the toolkit and samples. You can download the runfile installer from here

and after successfully installing cuda toolkit 6.5 how to upgrade my graphics driver without disturbing cuda toolkit and reinstall everything from the beginning

The driver can always be installed separately by downloading a driver installer package from www.nvidia.com.

If you use a package manager method, it should be possible to install the toolkit without the driver by installing the cuda-toolkit-X.Y package, where X.Y is the CUDA version. Refer to the package manager section of the install guide