I have three domain classes: Beer, Review, and Reviewer.
I want the Review table to create a many to many relationship between Beer and Reviewer, so I want the primary key of Review to be a composite of the id fields from Beer and Reviewer. I'm following this Grails documentation.
Here are my domain classes.
class Beer {
String name
String type
Brewery breweryId
static hasMany = [ reviews : Review ]
static constraints = {
class Reviewer {
String screenName
static hasMany = [ reviews : Review ]
static constraints = {
class Review implements Serializable {
int score
Beer beer
Reviewer reviewer
static constraints = {
static mapping = {
id composite:['beer', 'reviewer']
I was getting compilation errors, but another answer here on stackoverflow said I needed to add implements Serializable
. That took care of the error, but when I look in the database, I'm still not getting a composite primary key.
Here is what I'm seeing when I look at the table definition. I'm using Postgres.
Table "public.review"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | bigint | not null
version | bigint | not null
beer_id | bigint | not null
reviewer_id | bigint | not null
score | integer | not null
"review_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"fkc84ef75823f39326" FOREIGN KEY (beer_id) REFERENCES beer(id)
"fkc84ef7587c483106" FOREIGN KEY (reviewer_id) REFERENCES reviewer(id)
I'd be happy with just a composite index with a unique constraint, but I can't figure out how to do that, either. I've been able to make a non-unique composite index, but this has two problems. One, it's non-unique. Two, the columns are specified in alphabetical order in the index (beer_id, reviewer_id). I'd like to specify the order of the columns in the index.
I have implemented a similar situation, with some different conditions:
relationship.When implementing like this, the mysql database is ok. (beer_id,reviewer_id) is the primary key.
class Review implements Serializable {
Beer beer
Reviewer reviewer
static Review get(long beerId, long reviewerId) {
find 'from Review where beer.id=:beerId and reviewer.id=:reviewerId',
[beerId: beerId, reviewerId: reviewerId]
static boolean remove(Beer beer, Reviewer reviewer, boolean flush = false) {
Review instance = Review.findByBeerAndReviewer(beer, reviewer)
instance ? instance.delete(flush: flush) : false
static mapping = {
table "REVIEW"
id composite: ['beer', 'reviewer']
beer(column: "beer_ID")
reviewer(column: "reviewer_ID")
version false
I don't know what exactly causes your problem, but hope this gives you some hint about where the problem can be.