Top "Grails" questions

Grails is an Open Source, full stack, web application framework that uses the Groovy programming language (which is in turn based on the Java virtual machine (JVM) and Java.

FileUpload with JAX-RS

I try to do file upload from a JavaScript client to a JAX-RS Java server. I use the following REST …

java rest grails jersey jax-rs (permission denied) despite chmod 777

I have faced strange poblem while writing Grails application deployed on Tomcat. After creating simple test controller I want to …

java tomcat grails ioexception filenotfoundexception
Groovy/Grails : How to sort the list of objects by id

PublicTraining Class class PublicTraining{ static hasMany = [trainingOrder: TrainingOrder] } and TrainingOrder Class class TrainingOrder { Date createdOn static mapping = { sort id:"asc" } } …

list sorting grails groovy
How to log SQL statements in Grails

I want to log in the console or in a file, all the queries that Grails does, to check performance. …

sql logging grails
How to access to a property defined in file?

I have a Groovy Grails application and I want to access programmatically to a property defined in As …

grails groovy properties internationalization multilingual
How to access Grails configuration in Grails 2.0?

I have obtained the latest Grails 2.0 milestone, and I am seeing a deprecation warning for the ConfigurationHolder class: org.codehaus.…

grails groovy grails-2.0
SpringSource Tool Suite Change Themes

When I became aware of Sublime, I noticed the benefits of dark themes to your workspace. But since Sublime doesn't …

eclipse grails themes sts-springsourcetoolsuite
Accessing the raw body of a PUT or POST request

I am implementing a RESTful API in Grails, and use a custom authentication scheme that involves signing the body of …

grails servlets
How do I update fields of documents in mongo db using the java driver?

References: Still pretty new to mongo db but I'm trying to update …

java mongodb grails groovy mongo-java
How to increase the maximum number of opened editors in IntelliJ?

I am building a grails-app with IntelliJ 9.0 and I am a huge fan of the CTR+TAB shortcut that switches …

configuration grails intellij-idea