So here's an interesting one. I've got a 2.1.1 Grails application with straigt-forward domains and controller with default scaffolding. My show()
method works just find and retrieves the domain object with def quarterEndAdjustmentInstance = QuarterEndAdjustment.get(
However, when I call the edit()
method I get a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - argument type mismatch
on the exact same call def quarterEndAdjustmentInstance = QuarterEndAdjustment.findByID(
I've confirmed the params map is passing in the ID, and I've tried all variations of get(id)
, get(params)
, findByID(id)
, findByID(params)
Here's the form submit in the show.gsp that calls the edit method in the controller:
<fieldset class="buttons">
<g:hiddenField name="id" value="${}" />
<g:link class="edit" action="edit" id="${}"><g:message code="default.button.edit.label" default="Edit" /></g:link>
<%-- <g:actionSubmit class="edit" action="edit" value="${message(code: 'default.button.edit.label', default: 'Edit')}" /> --%>
Here are two closures from my controller. show()
works fine, edit()
throws the exception.
def show()
//params.each() { key, value -> println "${key} = ${value}" };
def quarterEndAdjustmentInstance = QuarterEndAdjustment.get( //here are your inbound params
flash.message = "Quarter End Metric record not found with ${params}"
redirect(action:"list", params: params)
return [quarterEndAdjustmentInstance: quarterEndAdjustmentInstance]
def edit()
def quarterEndAdjustmentInstance = QuarterEndAdjustment.get(
flash.message = "Quarter End M12 Adjustment not found with ${params}"
redirect(action:"list", params:params)
return [quarterEndAdjustmentInstance: quarterEndAdjustmentInstance]
By default, Grails creates a Long
attribute for your domain class.
If I'm not mistaken get()
is the only method that will transform your String
into the required Long
. For the others you need to cast to long:
def quarterEndAdjustmentInstance = QuarterEndAdjustment.findByID(params.long('id'))