I have a Question domain model designed as follows
class Question {
List<Choice> choiceCollection;
static hasMany = [choiceCollection:Choice]
static mappping = {
To fulfill my needs, /grails-app/views/question/create.gsp has been customized as you can see below
<g:each var="i" in="${(0..4)}">
<div class="fieldcontain required">
<label for="description">
Option ${i + 1}.
<span class="required-indicator">*</span>
<g:textArea name="choiceCollection[${i}].description" cols="40" rows="5" maxlength="2000" value="${questionInstance?.choiceCollection[i]?.description}"/>
When i try to access create view, i get the following error
Error evaluating expression [questionInstance?.choiceCollection[i]?.description]: Cannot invoke method getAt() on null object
Question: What should i do to run my application ?
Grails version: 2.1.1
I observed this error when attempting to run grails (2.2.4) using Java 8. The cause was not immediately obvious. It's buried somewhere grails.util.BuildSettings.groovy
When I reverted to java 1.7, the message went away.