Yesterday I tried building my app and everything worked fine.
Today, without any changes to the project... All of a sudden I'm greeted with this warning message telling me:
Error:Could not find play-services-basement.aar (
Searched in the following locations:
Is anyone experiencing the same sort of issue?
If you follow the link where it's searching for the package it basically gets downloaded instantly through the browser. I suppose something has changed on the server side? Perhaps naming conventions?
It looks like it's looking for: play-services-basement.aar and fetches play-services-basement-11.0.1.aar instead? Could this be a naming convention or gradle issue?
jcenter() has had mirrors of some libraries (I guess they are doing intentionally) that should originally available through google() or maven() repositories. When gradle build works, for any library that is used in the project the first place to look for is the repository that is listed first in repositories {..
When the jcenter() mirror does not have the release (e.g for my case) your gradle is looking for, the build fails with such error.
So, jcenter() should be listed at the last place in repositories {..
parts as below.
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.50'
repositories {
maven {
url ''
name 'Google'
allprojects {
repositories {