I'd like to get the output of running Checkstyle via Gradle as an HTML report.
I've found nothing in the Checkstyle plugin documentation.
I've added the following to my build.gradle
checkstyleTask {
reports {
html {
destination "build/reports/checkstyle.html"
but this yielded
What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating root project 'MyProject'.
Could not find method checkstyleTask() for arguments [build_1vu33nc0ekgtoo19jt e86o8o42$_run_closure8@1d8ee20] on root project 'MyProject'.
Is there a way to generate Checkstyle HTML reports using Gradle?
Here's how I do it in a smal project of mine:
checkstyleMain << {
ant.xslt(in: reports.xml.destination,
style: new File('config/checkstyle-noframes-sorted.xsl'),
out: new File(reports.xml.destination.parent, 'main.html'))
This requires that you store the checkstyle-noframes-sorted.xsl file, from the contrib directory of the checksyle binary distribution, in the config
directory of your project.
If you can afford running a SonarQube server, using the sonar plugin leads to a much better user experience, though.
EDIT: The above won't work if there are violations. This should in all cases:
task checkstyleHtml << {
ant.xslt(in: checkstyleMain.reports.xml.destination,
style: file('/config/checkstyle-noframes-sorted.xsl'),
out: new File(checkstyleMain.reports.xml.destination.parent, 'main.html'))
checkstyleMain.finalizedBy checkstyleHtml