Top "Gpl" questions


How to rebrand/copyright a forked project (GNU/GPL)?

long story short, we're forking a free software. The code is under GNU/GPL license, we've tried to collaborate with …

licensing fork gpl
Question on importing a GPL'ed Python library in commercial code

We're evaluating a couple of Python libraries for Graph manipulation. We tried 'networkx' ( and 'igraph' (http://…

python licensing gpl
Open Source GPL Sencha Ext JS 4.0 vs Commercial

I have an idea for a commercial SaaS application which I would like to build using Sencha's Ext JS framework. …

open-source gpl extjs
GPL Code: What counts as a derivative work?

I'm working on an open-source project that I want to release under a permissive license, because it's a library, not …

When is your code a "Derivative work"?

I'm trying to figure out in which of these cases the legal ramifications of "Derivative work" come into play. When …

licensing gpl
Web Services and open source libraries - licensing

Could you please suggest which are the well-known "open source" licenses allowing me to use libraries under these licenses in …

licensing gpl
Propietary modules within GPL and BSD kernels

Since the Linux kernel is GPL and not LGPL I suppose that it is illegal to link proprietary code to …

licensing kernel driver gpl bsd
Is this legal? (GPL Software / Licensing Issues)

I work for a software / design firm and I recently found out that our "in house" CMS is actually MODx …

virtualbox ose windows binaries

Sun's virtualbox windows binaries are under 'non-commercial' license so can't be used in any company. But source code is GPL. …

windows licensing virtualization gpl virtualbox
Is Java SE still GPL?

Is Java SE still open source? Can Oracle change the licensing after its been dedicated to GPL? However, on the …

java oracle licensing gpl base-class-library