Top "Google-visualization" questions

The Google Visualization API allows SVG, Flash, and Image charts and dashboards to be created based on data from a variety of sources.

Vertically stacked Google Bar Charts

I'm trying to produce a vertically stacked bar chart using the Google Charts API and I thought I had found …

google-visualization bar-chart stacked-chart
stacked column chart for two data sets - Google Charts

I'm generating some Google Charts and I'm stuck here. Google allows you to have your columns stacked. But it's either …

charts google-visualization stacked
Google charts - change axis text color

I'm trying to create a black chart with Google Charts, but I can't seem to change the text color of …

charts google-visualization
hAxis label is cut off in Google chart

To track number of visitor comes through which website and do some analysis on the same. We are creating a …

Remove padding in google chart?

I'm wondering why google charts add a blank padding when not specifying the top/right/left axises. Select the image …

charts google-visualization
Google Piechart: How to show values instead of percentage?

Is it possible to show values instead of percentage in Google Chart PieChart slices? Thanks,

javascript charts google-visualization
Alternative to Google Visualization's Annotated Timeline? (graphing library)

Is there any alternative to Google's Annotated Timeline Visualization API? There's some bugs in the Annotated Timeline, and it doesn't …

charts data-visualization google-visualization annotatedtimeline
getSelection() to get data from row in Google Chart API

I'm trying to trigger the creation of a new BarChart with Google's Chart API when a user clicks on a …

google-visualization bar-chart getselection
how to hide column in google charts table

I've got a Google Charts Table that displays a couple of columns and rows. Say for instance we have 4 columns(…

javascript html google-visualization
How to set tooltips to display percentages to match axis in Google Visualization Line Chart?

The tooltips can be set to display percentages using the following code: var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({ fractionDigits: 2, suffix: …

google-visualization number-formatting linechart