I have created Google Spreadsheet, and given edit access to all (can edit even without login).
Here is the link. I would like to update this sheet with Google Spreadsheet API. But I am getting error. My requirement is update the sheet thru API even without access credential.
It is possible to write to spreadsheet without OAuth
or API Keys
. You need to use Service Account Keys
Here is what I did for my Node.js environment.
Furnish a new private key
when it asks you how to download the key.service account key
you have just generated includes a client_email
to have write access on this documentUse the following code to authenticate
let jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(client_email, null, private_key, [
//authenticate request
jwtClient.authorize(function(err, tokens) {
// at this point the authentication is done you can now use `jwtClient`
// to read or write to the spreadsheet
and private_key
are part of the service account key
A more detailed description can be found here. http://isd-soft.com/tech_blog/accessing-google-apis-using-service-account-node-js/ Also, all credit goes to this page.