Linking to another tab in Google Sheets

Andre Arancibia picture Andre Arancibia · Sep 21, 2016 · Viewed 29.6k times · Source

I have a Google Sheets workbook with more than 70 tabs, or sheets, in it. In one of them, I have a master list of all of them. For better reference, in the tab "PropertyID", and the column F, from 2 and downwards, I have the name of each other sheet in the workbook. I want to find a way to hyperlink each sheet into the PropertyID tab, so that if someone presses a link in this main "menu", it'd take them to the specific sheet. So far, I've been making a comment on each sheet, and using the "Link to comment" link to do what I want, but this process is tedious, must be done manually, and if I have to download the workbook to excel for easier editing, and then back to sheets, all the coments are turned into 'notes' and the links are lost. Any way I could accomplish this?


adjuremods picture adjuremods · Sep 23, 2016

Here is a forum which is similar to your concern.


When you switch to a different sheet in Google Spreadsheets, pay attention to the URL in your browser's address bar. At the end of the URL you should see something like:


This number changes when you switch sheets, and specifies which sheet to display. Copy the entire URL and create a hyperlink to it with this formula:

=hyperlink("", "LINK TEXT")

You can also see in the link provided above how to do it using scripts. "This menu item will open a panel with a list of names of all the sheets in the current spreadsheet. It doesn't look like it, but if you click on one of the sheet names, that sheet will come to the front."

Here is a related thread which might also help:

Hope this helps!