Google Query Language is the part of the Google Visualization API that lets the developer perform various data manipulations with the query to the data source.
I'm wondering how one might handle a query like this. Let's suppose I had the following text contained in Cell …
google-sheets formulas google-query-languageI have a problem with an OR logic in a query. I'm trying to make a sum of a column (…
google-sheets google-query-languageI am creating a spreadsheet for my work place that will find drivers for the LED's we use but I've …
google-sheets google-query-languageDoing the following query = QUERY(A2:C, "select B, avg(C) group by B pivot A") returns a correct summary …
google-sheets google-query-languageI want to import a range from another Google sheet, but to ignore empty cells so that the data prints …
google-sheets google-sheets-formula google-sheets-query google-query-language importrangeI am currently working in the following spreadsheet…
google-sheets google-sheets-formula google-sheets-query google-query-language importrangeI'm running a QUERY with a SUM and GROUP BY, but I'd like to aggregate multiple distinct values from the …
google-sheets google-query-languageI have a google spreadsheet that uses the following query: =query('Respostas do Formulário 1'!A1:AG;"select D,…
sorting google-sheets google-query-languageThe following line doesn't work: =QUERY(AB:AE,"select AB,AC,AD,AE where AB NOT LIKE '%Info%'",1) …
sql google-sheets google-query-languageIs it possible to concatenate the value from a column with a string in Google Query Language? I'd like to …
google-sheets google-query-language