How to get total driving distance with Google Maps API V3?

mpen picture mpen · Jul 15, 2010 · Viewed 58.5k times · Source

I used to be able to get it like this:

directionsService.route(directionsRequest, function(directionsResult, directionsStatus) {
    var directionsRenderer = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({
        directions: directionsResult,
        map: map

But it looks like they changed their API on me! Looks like trips is no longer there, and routes only gives you a bunch of legs... do I really have to iterate over all the legs and sum up the distance now?


mpen picture mpen · Jul 15, 2010

As per Leniel's answer:

var totalDistance = 0;
var totalDuration = 0;
var legs = directionsResult.routes[0].legs;
for(var i=0; i<legs.length; ++i) {
    totalDistance += legs[i].distance.value;
    totalDuration += legs[i].duration.value;

Actually, this works just fine too, if you don't have any waypoints:


Here's a fuller example using lodash. Shouldn't be too hard to replace flatBy and sum if you're not using it.

 * Computes the total driving distance between addresses. Result in meters.
 * @param {string[]} addresses Array of address strings. Requires two or more.
 * @returns {Promise} Driving distance in meters
export default function calculateDistance(addresses) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if(addresses.length < 2) {
            return reject(new Error(`Distance calculation requires at least 2 stops, got ${addresses.length}`));

        const {TravelMode, DirectionsService, DirectionsStatus} = google.maps;

        const directionsService = new DirectionsService;
        const origin = addresses.shift();
        const destination = addresses.pop();
        const waypoints = => ({location: stop}));

            travelMode: TravelMode.DRIVING,
        }, (response, status) => {
            if(status === DirectionsStatus.OK) {
                let distances = _.flatMap(response.routes, route => _.flatMap(route.legs, leg => leg.distance.value));

                return resolve(_.sum(distances));
            } else {
                return reject(new Error(status));

Remember to include the Google Maps API:

<script src=""></script>

Also, I'm pretty sure their ToS require you to display a Google Map too.