Is there any limit to number of markers that can be placed on google static maps?

Learner picture Learner · Jun 18, 2013 · Viewed 45k times · Source

Is it possible to place (say 1000) markers (using set of LAT-LONG values) on Static Google map image? Also, is there some sort of HTTP POST method to achive this or URL is the only way to go?

Basically, I was looking into Bing maps REST service - Imagery and I found that maximum 100 pushpins (markers) can be placed on to Bing map.

I would like to generate static map with unlimited markers/pushpins. Google or Bing does not matter.

Something like this:


Nikolaus Gradwohl picture Nikolaus Gradwohl · Jun 18, 2013

As far as I know there is no limit on how many markers you can add to a google-maps based map - however the performance of your map will decrease when you add a lot of them.

There is a nice article on ( that shows how to deal with lots of placemarks by either clustering them or rendering them on a separate layer.