I've saved kml and kmz files in a file cabinet in the old Google Sites. I copy the permalink to these files and paste it into the search box on Google Maps to overlay the placemarks.
I've saved a test kml file in a folder on the new Google Drive, but I can't figure out how to get a permalink that I can paste in Google Maps. I found this link https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/26371/how-do-i-share-a-permalink-from-google-drive and used it to create this permalink https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9sBXp66G86xWmlRbkZiYlRNdmc/edit?usp=sharing but Google Maps does not recognize it as a valid kml file. Do I need to change the URL?
For example, here is my html file
My KMZ file url would be
If you would like to see the list of files, access the root level.