Top "Google-maps-markers" questions

Markers identify locations on the map.

move marker on google maps api 2

How do I move marker on Google maps api V2 ? I am using below code but it does not move …

android google-maps google-maps-markers move marker
Using Icon Fonts as Markers in Google Maps V3

I was wondering whether it is possible to use icon font icons (e.g. Font Awesome) as markers in Google …

google-maps-api-3 google-maps-markers font-awesome icon-fonts
Remove previous Marker and add new Marker in Google Map v2

I want to remove a current marker after long click on map anywhere and recreate a new marker at that …

android google-maps-markers google-maps-android-api-2
How to get all visible markers on current zoom level

Here are some points: I have some markers on the map and records associated with it on the right panel …

google-maps google-maps-markers
Google Maps API v3 remove all polylines

Little background. I have a navigation setup for when you click on a certain navigation item, it creates markers on …

google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-maps-markers polyline
How to get the formatted address from a dragged marker in Google Version Maps

I have made a Google map that lets you input an address into a text field. It then navigates you …

javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 geolocation google-maps-markers
Text Labels on Google Maps v3

I recently migrated from v2 to v3 on Google Maps, and one of the functionalities that broke was using text …

javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-maps-markers
Automatically adjust zoom to accommodate all marker in a google map

Using the latest version of Google maps. How to add markers using longitude and latitude and automatically adjust the zoom …

javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-maps-markers
Google Maps API v3 recenter the map to a marker

i am searching for a way to recenter (focus) the map if an marker is outside the map. For example …

google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-api google-maps-markers google-maps-api-2
Change Google map marker orientation according path direction

I'd like to know if it possible to change the marker orientation according the path drawn on the map. Here …

google-maps google-maps-markers google-directions-api