Using the Google Places API to get nearby cities for a given place

codd picture codd · Aug 26, 2011 · Viewed 15.5k times · Source

I am trying to write a Java application that, given a city and a radius, returns all the nearby cities. I thought the Google Maps API would be able to do this, but I am getting no luck with the Places API, it just returns points of interest (e.g. restaurants, ...). Is there a way of doing this with the google API or is there some other API (or way of doing this) that you would recommend?


0x1ad2 picture 0x1ad2 · Dec 3, 2015

I've written a code snippet that allows you to retrieve all nearby cities by combining the Google Maps Geocoding API and API (besides a file_get_contents your could also do a cURL request).

 * Get cities based on city name and radius in KM

// get geocode object as array from The Google Maps Geocoding API
$geocodeObject = json_decode(file_get_contents('{CITY NAME},{COUNTRY CODE}'), true);

// get latitude and longitude from geocode object
$latitude = $geocodeObject['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
$longitude = $geocodeObject['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];

// set request options
$responseStyle = 'short'; // the length of the response
$citySize = 'cities15000'; // the minimal number of citizens a city must have
$radius = 30; // the radius in KM
$maxRows = 30; // the maximum number of rows to retrieve
$username = '{YOUR USERNAME}'; // the username of your GeoNames account

// get nearby cities based on range as array from The GeoNames API
$nearbyCities = json_decode(file_get_contents(''.$latitude.'&lng='.$longitude.'&style='.$responseStyle.'&cities='.$citySize.'&radius='.$radius.'&maxRows='.$maxRows.'&username='.$username, true));

// foreach nearby city get city details
foreach($nearbyCities->geonames as $cityDetails)
    // do something per nearby city

be carefull with your requests amount because the API's are limited

For more information about the API's visit the following url's: