Top "Google-forms" questions

Questions related to interacting programmatically with the Google Forms service.

IMPORTRANGE function not refreshing new entries in linked Google sheet

My IMPORTRANGE function is not refreshing with new data once the linked spreadsheet is added to. Instead, I am having …

google-apps-script google-sheets google-forms importrange
How to prefill Google form checkboxes?

I have looked at the question "Is it possible to 'prefill' a google form using data from a google spreadsheet?" …

google-apps-script google-sheets google-forms
Google Form, make answer field readonly

I'd like to make one of the answer field in the Google form read-only or hidden so that the form …

google-apps-script google-forms
How can I add dynamic field in Google Form?

Is there any feature Add New Field using jQuery or Add fields using Javascript in Google forms? I'm creating a …

javascript jquery google-apps-script google-forms
How to make content of Google form wider?

Content of google form is by default 640px wide - which is set in class ".freebirdFormviewerViewCenteredContent", I need to make …

css iframe google-forms
setting up script to include google docs form data in email notification

I've setup a form using googledocs. I just want to have the actual data entered into the form emailed to …

email google-apps-script google-docs google-forms
Http POST to a google form

I need to do an Http POST to my google form, and following an advice (!…

http http-post google-forms
Can't scroll iframe on mobile iOS Safari

Even with overflow set to scroll, can't get the google forms iframe in an overlay to scroll, instead the background …

html css iframe mobile-safari google-forms
Single Google Form for multiple Sheets

Due to ongoing development versioning, plus seemingly insurmountable problems implementing user permissions workarounds, I need to capture form data linked …

google-apps-script google-sheets google-forms
How do I send an email when a Google Form is submitted?

How do I send a notification email after a form has been submitted? I have a Google Form, I open …

google-apps-script google-forms