Top "Google-colaboratory" questions

Google Colaboratory is a research tool for machine learning education and research.

Can I use TensorBoard with Google Colab?

Is there any way to use TensorBoard when training a TensorFlow model on Google Colab?

tensorflow google-colaboratory tensorboard colab
How to use R with Google Colaboratory?

Google Colaboratory supports Python version 2.7 and 3.6 I see an example how to use Swift in Colab a while ago. Today, …

r jupyter-notebook google-colaboratory colab
Google colab changing directory

I can't change my directory in Google colab. when I type cd it gives output like this '/content' I …

directory google-colaboratory
Can I run a Google Colab (free edition) script and then shutdown my computer?

Can I run a google colab (free edition) script and then shutdown my computer? I am training several deeplearning models …

python google-colaboratory
How to install CUDA in Google Colab GPU's

It seems that Google Colab GPU's doesn't come with CUDA Toolkit, how can I install CUDA in Google Colab GPU's. …

python machine-learning cuda google-colaboratory turi-create
How can I open images in a Google Colaboratory notebook cell from uploaded png files?

I am working with a Google Colaboratory notebook. I uploaded a file named bp.png into the working directory, and …

html image markdown jupyter-notebook google-colaboratory
Opening web camera in Google Colab

I am trying to open a web camera in Google Colab. I've executed the following command: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) but …

python opencv google-colaboratory
How do I download multiple files or an entire folder from Google Colab?

Currently, I can download files as individual files with the command I also tried uploading them …

python-3.x google-colaboratory
Google Colab is very slow compared to my PC

I've recently started to use Google Colab, and wanted to train my first Convolutional NN. I imported the images from …

python neural-network jupyter-notebook google-colaboratory
Unknown initializer: GlorotUniform when loading Keras model

I trained my CNN (VGG) through google colab and generated .h5 file. Now problem is, I can predict my output …

python tensorflow machine-learning keras google-colaboratory