Cloud Vision API - PDF OCR

Christian Salvador picture Christian Salvador · Apr 19, 2016 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

I just tested the Google Cloud Vision API to read the text, if exist, in a image.

Until now I installed the Maven Server and the Redis Server. I just follow the instructions in this page.

Until now I was able to tested with .jpg files, is it possible to do it with tiff files or pdf??

I am using the following command:

java -cp target/text-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ../../data/text/

Inside the text directory, I have the files in jpg format.

Then to read the converted file, I don't know how to do that, just I run the following command

java -cp target/text-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

And I get the message to enter a word or phrase to search in the converted files. Is there a way to see the whole document transformed?



Milan Hlinák picture Milan Hlinák · Jun 17, 2018

On April 6, 2018, support for PDF and TIFF files in document text detection was added to Google Cloud Vision API (see Release Notes).

According to the documentation:

  • The Vision API can detect and transcribe text from PDF and TIFF files stored in Google Cloud Storage.

  • Document text detection from PDF and TIFF must be requested using the asyncBatchAnnotate function, which performs an asynchronous request and provides its status using the operations resources.

  • Output from a PDF/TIFF request is written to a JSON file created in the specified Google Cloud Storage bucket.


1) Upload a file to your Google Cloud Storage

enter image description here

2) Make a POST request to perform PDF/TIFF document text detection


Authorization: Bearer <your access token>

      "inputConfig": {
        "gcsSource": {
          "uri": "gs://<your bucket name>/input.pdf"
        "mimeType": "application/pdf"
      "features": [
          "type": "DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION"
      "outputConfig": {
        "gcsDestination": {
          "uri": "gs://<your bucket name>/output/"
        "batchSize": 1


  "name": "operations/9b1f9d773d216406"

3) Make a GET request to check if document text detection is done


Authorization: Bearer <your access token>


    "name": "operations/9b1f9d773d216406",
    "metadata": {
        "@type": "",
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "updateTime": "2018-06-17T20:18:09.117787733Z"
    "done": true,
    "response": {
        "@type": "",
        "responses": [
                "outputConfig": {
                    "gcsDestination": {
                        "uri": "gs://<your bucket name>/output/"
                    "batchSize": 1

4) Check the results in the specified Google Cloud Storage folder

enter image description here