Fastest way to get Google Storage bucket size?

fredrik picture fredrik · Dec 9, 2014 · Viewed 17.6k times · Source

I'm currently doing this, but it's VERY slow since I have several terabytes of data in the bucket:

gsutil du -sh gs://my-bucket-1/

And the same for a sub-folder:

gsutil du -sh gs://my-bucket-1/folder

Is it possible to somehow obtain the total size of a complete bucket (or a sub-folder) elsewhere or in some other fashion which is much faster?


Brandon Yarbrough picture Brandon Yarbrough · Dec 9, 2014

Unfortunately, no. If you need to know what size the bucket is right now, there's no faster way than what you're doing.

If you need to check on this regularly, you can enable bucket logging. Google Cloud Storage will generate a daily storage log that you can use to check the size of the bucket. If that would be useful, you can read more about it here: