Is it possible to run Google Page speed from the command line?

lucidquiet picture lucidquiet · Mar 22, 2012 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

Is it possible to run Google Page speed from the command line? If so, how? I'm interested in automating nightly or daily Google PageSpeed calls that will inform me after a commit or daily if I've caused a drop in the Google PageSpeed 'grade' (for a given page).


Sven picture Sven · Sep 19, 2014

It's possible to use the PageSpeed Insights from the command line:

Install via: $ npm install --global psi

Usage: $ psi <url> --key=<key> --prettyprint=<true> --userIp=<userIp> --locale=<locale> --strategy=<desktop|mobile>

Run it like this: $ psi

PageSpeed Desktop Insights CLI

Also for mobile insights: $ psi --strategy=mobile

PageSpeed Mobile Insights CLI

UPDATE: You can use the PageSpeed Insights within your local development environment (internet connection required) with grunt + grunt-pagespeed + ngrok. Checkout the sample project for grunt-pagespeed and ngrok for further information.

Note: Run $ ngrok -authtoken <your-token> 80 and check the web interface parameters to make sure to set the right port in your Gruntfile.js!