Disable-web-security in Chrome 48+

Anatoly Sazanov picture Anatoly Sazanov · Feb 16, 2016 · Viewed 195.8k times · Source

I have a problem with the --disable-web-security flag. It is not working in Chrome 48 and Chrome 49 beta on Windows.

I've tried killing all of the instances, reboot and run Chrome with the flag first of all, tried different machines as well. In the beta I can see the warning popup ("You are using unsupported flag.."), but CORS is still being enforced. Public version seems to ignore the flag completely.

There seems to be no news or people reports about that, so it might be a local issue. Will be grateful for help or any related info.


David Amey picture David Amey · Feb 19, 2016

I'm seeing the same thing. A quick google found this question and a bug on the chromium forums. It seems that the --user-data-dir flag is now required. Edit to add user-data-dir guide