Google Chrome - Crash Dump Location

Curtis Mattoon picture Curtis Mattoon · Apr 6, 2015 · Viewed 19.5k times · Source

I'm trying to debug a page in a web app that keeps crashing Chrome ("Aw, snap!" error). I've enabled/disabled automatic crash reporting, tried logging with google-chrome --enable-logging --v=1, (as well as various levels of verbosity), and all I get is a "crash dump ID" in the chrome_debug.log chrome://crashes Shows all of the dump IDs, but no actual dump file

I see other questions referring to reading the dump files, but I can't find the dump files themselves (just the ID).

Grepping for the crash ID in /tmp and ~/.config/google-chrome/ turns up nothing, but the ~/.config/google-chrome/chrome_debug.log shows that something was sent:

--2015-04-06 11:10:00--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: ‘/dev/fd/3’

 Crash dump id:  7dac9d5d58258264 

Any ideas on where to find the actual file/data that's sent?

Details: Chrome version: 40.0.2214.111 (Official Build) Linux Mint 16 (Petra)

Edit: Some extra info:

curtis@localhost:-$ tail -n 5 uploads.log && echo $(pwd)
/home/curtis/.config/google-chrome/Crash Reports

curtis@localhost:-$ ll -a
total 12
drwx------ 2 curtis curtis 4096 Apr  6 11:32 .
drwx------ 9 curtis curtis 4096 Apr 13 11:43 ..
-rw------- 1 curtis curtis 3291 Apr 13 11:39 uploads.log

Info in chrome://crashes matches up to <code>uploads.log</code>

Automatic reporting is enabled... Automatic Reporting **is** enabled



Jeffrey Godwyll picture Jeffrey Godwyll · Apr 13, 2015

Google Chrome - Crash Dump Location

To generate the Crash Dump locally,

 CHROME_HEADLESS=1 google-chrome

The .dmp files are then stored in ~/.config/google-chrome/Crash Reports

Produce Stack Trace

  1. Check out and add depot_tools to your PATH (used to build breakpad)

    git clone
    export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"
  2. Check out and build breakpad (using fetch from depot_tools)

    mkdir breakpad && cd breakpad
    fetch breakpad
    cd src
    ./config && make
  3. To produce stack trace without symbols:

    breakpad/src/processor/minidump_stackwalk -m /path/to/minidump

More here

Personally Preferred Method

  1. Enable crash reporting:

    Chrome menu > Settings > Show advanced settings > Tick "Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google"

  2. Go to chrome://crashes > File bug > Takes you to > Complete report leaving the auto-added report_id field unchanged.

  3. Someone from the Chrome/Chromium team will follow up. They can provide you with your stack trace and aid at resolving the issue.