How to play an AAC+ stream in Chrome?

Matt Sherman picture Matt Sherman · Mar 4, 2013 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I’ve tried several combinations of types and setting in (the excellent) mediaplayer.js, but cannot get BBC Radio 3 to play in Chrome. The stream URL is here, and the playlist from which it is taken is here.

The tag is:

<audio src=";e=1362276151&amp;h=47e8b2755e05d1a5ceeb665f116984de" type="audio/mp4" id="player"></audio>

Looking at Chrome’s inspector, I see that the network is calling the stream, but it just loads indefinitely, without audio starting.

Other streams are working fine (demo), but this particular one is problematic, and I assume it has to do with the AAC+ format.

Edit: The instantiation code is here, figure it’s clearer than pasting the whole thing in.

Edit 2: It works in Safari (Mac)! Which I assume is related to Quicktime. Which is why I believe that AAC+ is the issue.


kirbyfan64sos picture kirbyfan64sos · Apr 23, 2013

See!msg/jplayer/9Ks2Crfjwrg/jDCDBgv3qr0J. It seems that AAC+ support is somewhat odd. It also seems that AAC+ can be placed in various containers. like m4a and FLV. Also see