How to stop or disable Google App Engine production server?

null picture null · Nov 29, 2014 · Viewed 23k times · Source

I have uploaded google app java project to production google app engine (from this tutorial), but I can't found any information how to stop or disable the production app engine.

From google developer console, I can shutdown the instance via menu Compute -> Instances, but if I open or access the app's url in the browser, the app instance will start running again.

So how to completely stop or disable Google App Engine production server?


Scott Yang picture Scott Yang · Apr 2, 2017

Late to the game here, the tutorial currently suggests deleting the project, but I wanted to keep the project ID so the suggested option isn't the ideal solution for me.

After spending a good 15 min around the site I've found 2 ways to stop the application. Hope this will be of some help to others until the UI changes again.

Method 1: Disable Application

Go into App Engine, Settings, click on Disable application.

Screenshot of App Engine, Settings

Method 2: Stop Instance

Go into App Engine, Versions, and then click on STOP.

Screenshot of App Engine, Versions