I am trying to format a cell to have multiple font colors using a function in Google Apps Script. I am unable to find any documentation on it. Also, using getFontColor()
doesn't return anything useful.
Is there any way to programmatically reproduce this functionality
that is available to users via the Google Sheets web UI?
As on July 2018, Apps-Script support changing individual text colors and other font related styles. Two methods are added to SpreadsheetApp
. newTextStyle()
and newRichTextValue()
. The following apps-script changes such fontstyles in A1. For best effects, Use a lengthy string(30 characters or more).
function rainbow(){
var rng = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange("A1");
var val = rng.getValue().toString();
var len = val.length; // length of string in A1
var rich = SpreadsheetApp.newRichTextValue(); //new RichText
rich.setText(val); //Set Text value in A1 to RichText as base
for (var i=0;i<len;i++){ //Loop through each character
var style = SpreadsheetApp.newTextStyle(); // Create a new text style for each character
var red= ("0"+Math.round((1/len)*(i)*255).toString(16)).substr(-2,2); //๐
var green= ("0"+Math.round((1/len)*Math.min(i*2,len-Math.abs(i*2-len))*255).toString(16)).substr(-2,2); //๐๐
var blue= ("0"+Math.round((1/len)*(len-i)*255).toString(16)).substr(-2,2);//๐
style.setForegroundColor("#"+red+green+blue); // hexcode
style.setFontSize(Math.max(Math.abs(len/2-i),8)); //Use a lengthy string
var buildStyle = style.build();
rich.setTextStyle(i,i+1,buildStyle); // set this text style to the current character and save it to Rich text
var format = rich.build()
rng.setRichTextValue(format); //Set the final RichTextValue to A1
Documentation is not published yet. Methods are subject to change