Force google sheet formula to recalculate

Sean W picture Sean W · Jun 30, 2016 · Viewed 51.6k times · Source

I have an index/match formula that matches a specific file based on the date value of certain cells. Here's the formula:

=IFERROR(INDEX(INDIRECT("'"&TEXT($O$3,"mm-dd-yyyy")&"'!"&"$D3:$D$500"),MATCH($D5,INDIRECT("'" & TEXT($O$3, "mm-dd-yyyy") &"'!$B$3:$B500"),0)),0)

I noticed the values did not change even when I imported a new CSV. Only way I got the values to update was to essentially re-enter the formula by dragging from top to the last cell like one would manually do.

I tried changing the recalculation time under settings, but it seemed like the setting does not apply to my formula, as I set it to every minute and nothing happened.

I thought about writing a script to have it re-enter the formulas and set it to run every day, but I'm hoping that there's a easier way to do this.


Rubén picture Rubén · Jul 3, 2016

Short answer

Your formula is not being recalculated because its arguments do not change. The solution is, as you already figured out by yourself, to re-enter the proper arguments into cells that your formula references to.


Google Sheets formulas are recalculated when

  1. The spreadsheet is open
  2. The function arguments changes
  3. The functions NOW, TODAY, RAND, and RANDBETWEEN are updated are according to the spreadsheet settings, on change, on change and every minute, on change and every hour
  4. External data functions recalculate at the following intervals:
    • ImportRange: 30 minutes
    • ImportHtml, ImportFeed, ImportData, ImportXml: 1 hour
    • GoogleFinance: may be delayed up to 20 minutes

Note: Some functions and custom functions doesn't allow not deterministic functions as arguments.
