How to protect the Apps Script code in a Google spreadsheet?

namit picture namit · Apr 18, 2013 · Viewed 31.4k times · Source

I have written some code for my Google spreadsheet with the script editor.

I want to share this spreadsheet with my clients but I don't want to share the code I have written.

This code adds a menu to my spreadsheet which contains useful functions that should work/run when my clients open this spreadsheet with condition applied that: they shouldn't be able to see its code.

This is easy with Excel, but with Google spreadsheet I don't know. . I have searched a lot on Google but they all gives the idea about how to share a spreadsheet. For example in "View" mode, but in that case there is a problem: my menu function, which adds a menu, is "onOpen" and doesn't start when my clients open it.

How to implement this in Google Spreadsheet?


Rubén picture Rubén · Jan 3, 2018

Short Answer

Publish your script as an editor add-on or as a Google Workspace add-on. Bear in mind that you could make it private, by selecting unlisted or making it available only for your G Suite / Google Workspace organization.


Add-ons were added on 2014. This is better than using a library because there will be nothing shared from your add-on.

Please note that

  • it's not possible to access Google Apps Script server-side code by using Chrome Developer Tools or another similar software.
  • there are some restrictions for add-ons, study them carefully as maybe this alternative will not work for you.
  • nowadays add-ons require a Google Cloud Project and an oAuth consent screen. If the add-on will be shared with external users it will requires an oAuth verification and an app review.

If publishing as add-on is not an option for you, you should rethink your solution considering the use of a web application, using the Apps Script API or the Google Sheets API.
