App Engine: How to "reset" the datastore?

Damian picture Damian · Jul 20, 2009 · Viewed 21.2k times · Source

Well, I'm developing in App Engine (Java) and after a lot of tries and deployments, I need to reset the datastore. There is a lot of random data I added to test performance, and besides that the entities changed a lot, so I need to delete all: data, tables, indexes.

How can I do that?


Kohistan picture Kohistan · Aug 18, 2010

Sorry to wake this thread up, but just in case I'd like to add a tip for noobs like me (finally found the answer in google documentation) :

If you want to reset the Local datastore (for example while developping using eclipse) all at once, shut down the server, find the file 'local_db.bin' in your project (should be in the WEB-INF/appengine-generated/ directory), and delete it.

Works fine with java, didn't try with python yet.
