I am using translate API to translate some texts in my page, those texts are large html formated texts, so I had to develop a function that splits these texts into smaller pieces less than 4500 characters (including html tags) to avoid the limit of 5000 characters per request, also I had to modify the Google PHP API to allow send requests via POST.
I have enabled the paid version of the api in Goole Developers Console, and changed the total quota to 50M of characters per day and 500 requests/second/urser.
Now I am translating the whole database of texts with a script, it works fine but at some random points I revive the error "(403) User Rate Limit Exceeded", and I have to wait some minutes to re-run the script because when reached the error the api is returning the same error over and over until I wait some time.
I don't know why it keeps returning the error if I don't pass the number of requests, it's like it has some kind of maximum chaaracters per each interval of time or something...
You probably exceed the quota limits you set before: this is either the daily billable or the limit on the request characters per second.
To change the usage limits or request an increase to your quota, do the following: 1. Go to the Google Developers Console "https://console.developers.google.com/". 2. Select a project. 3. On the left sidebar, expand APIs & auth. 4. Click APIs. 5. Click the name of an activated API you're interested in "i.e. The Translate API". 6. Near the top of the info page for the API, click Quota.
If you have the billing enabled, just click Quota and it will take you to the quota page where you can view and change the quota-related settings.
If not, clicking Quota shows information about any free quota and limits that apply to the Translate API.