Can I list all standard Go packages?

Alok Kumar Singh picture Alok Kumar Singh · Apr 23, 2019 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

Is there a way in Go to list all the standard/built-in packages (i.e., the packages which come installed with a Go installation)?

I have a list of packages and I want to figure out which packages are standard.


Martin Tournoij picture Martin Tournoij · May 18, 2019

You can use the new for this. This provides a programmatic interface for most of go list:

package main

import (


func main() {
    pkgs, err := packages.Load(nil, "std")
    if err != nil {

    // Output: [archive/tar archive/zip bufio bytes compress/bzip2 ... ]

To get a isStandardPackage() you can store it in a map, like so:

package main

import (


var standardPackages = make(map[string]struct{})

func init() {
    pkgs, err := packages.Load(nil, "std")
    if err != nil {

    for _, p := range pkgs {
        standardPackages[p.PkgPath] = struct{}{}

func isStandardPackage(pkg string) bool {
    _, ok := standardPackages[pkg]
    return ok

func main() {
    fmt.Println(isStandardPackage("fmt"))  // true
    fmt.Println(isStandardPackage("nope")) // false