So I downloaded minio from
I want to run it from the source,
I create my directory like:
all minio directories, including vendor, like the image below
I also use godep
resolve other dependencies under GOPATH.
Now I run it from Gogland(go IDE)
It shows:
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.8.3/libexec/bin/go build -i -o /private/var/folders/8v/6dg7d6mx2850sv1gp8ts9thm0000gn/T/go_run_main_gogo /Users/xl/Downloads/minio-RELEASE.2017-06-13T19-01-01Z/src/main.go
unexpected directory layout:
import path:
root: /Users/xl/Downloads/minio-RELEASE.2017-06-13T19-01-01Z/src
dir: /Users/xl/Downloads/minio-RELEASE.2017-06-13T19-01-01Z/src/vendor/
expand root: /Users/xl/Downloads/minio-RELEASE.2017-06-13T19-01-01Z/src
expand dir: /Users/xl/Downloads/minio-RELEASE.2017-06-13T19-01-01Z/src/vendor/
separator: /
Now I am confused that, what's the problem? The files are all there and the directories are just like what's it's printing. How do I fix it? Thanks.
On Golang 1.13 it suddenly happened to me on all my code after upgrading from 1.11 to 1.13.
It seems golang 1.13 does not like anymore imports like "./something".
I had to develop any import like "myapp/something"