Cross compile Go on OSX?

ljgww picture ljgww · Aug 29, 2012 · Viewed 116.2k times · Source

I am trying to cross-compile a go app on OSX to build binaries for windows and linux. I have read everything what I could find on the net. Closest example that I have found has been published on (apart from many unfinished discussions on go-nuts mailing list):

yet it does not work on my installation. I have go 1.0.2. As 1.0.2 is quite recent it looks to me that all above examples do not apply to this version.

Tried to do ./make.bash --no-clean with ENV vars set to 386/windows, it does build go, however it builds go for my installation which is darwin/amd64 and completely ignores what is set in ENV that suppose to build different compiler.

Any advises how it can be done (if it can be done at all)?


leondepeon picture leondepeon · Mar 8, 2016

With Go 1.5 they seem to have improved the cross compilation process, meaning it is built in now. No ./make.bash-ing or brew-ing required. The process is described here but for the TLDR-ers (like me) out there: you just set the GOOS and the GOARCH environment variables and run the go build.

For the even lazier copy-pasters (like me) out there, do something like this if you're on a *nix system:

env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -v

You even learned the env trick, which let you set environment variables for that command only, completely free of charge.