Top "Go-gin" questions

Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go.

Golang/gin parse JSON from gin.Context

I learned from the gin doc that you can bind json to a struct like type Login struct { User string `…

json parsing go go-gin
Go and Gin: Passing around struct for database context?

I've just started trying out Go, and I'm looking to re-implement an API server written in node with it. I've …

go dependency-injection go-gin
unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type []uint8 into type *[]string

I have implemented rest api using golang, gin and gorp Employee structure: type Employee struct { Id int64 `db:"id" json:"…

go go-gin gorp
Gin Gonic array of values from PostForm

I'm trying to capture an array of Post values from HTML form using Go / Gin Gonic -- in PHP I …

go go-gin
Golang gin: serving JSON and static files in the same app

I am writing a golang gin app that serve both REST API and static files. Ideally I should separate the …

go go-gin
How to render static files within Gin router?

I want to serve a JSON file with gin server. And set some customize values in the HTML file. Use …

json go server static go-gin
How to return html on Gin?

I'm trying to render a HTML that's already on a string instead of rendering a template on Gin framework. The …

html go go-gin
go-gin unable to set cookies

I am trying to set a cookie on an HTML page func testCookie(c *gin.Context) { c.SetCookie("test1", "testvalue", 10, "/", "", …

cookies go go-gin
How to correctly set Mock Row and Query for go-sqlmock

I'm setting up testing in golang. I use go-sqlmock to test mysql connection. But sqlmock.NewRows and mock.ExpectQuery does …

mysql unit-testing go go-gin go-sqlmock
How to add multiple groups to gin routing for api version inheritance?

I'm currently working on a API with Go + Gin. The API should include a version string, for example the string …

go go-gin