I'm running a very simple flow graph in GNU Radio Companion, consisting of a USRP Source, which is connected to (1) a quadrature demod that is connected to a wxgui scope sink and (2) a wxgui fft sink. These display and draw the expected results, but at the same time the console portion gets flooded with the letter D which slows down the GUI elements until they stop responding. From the console output:
Generating: "/home/gnuradio/top_block.py"
Executing: "/home/gnuradio/top_block.py"
linux; GNU C++ version 4.7.3; Boost_104900; UHD_003.005.004-0-unknown
Using Volk machine: ssse3_64 -- Opening a USRP2/N-Series device... -- Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes -- Current send frame size: 1472 bytes -- Detecting internal GPSDO.... not found
UHD Warning: Unable to set the thread priority. Performance may be negatively affected. Please see the general application notes in the manual for instructions. EnvironmentError: OSError: error in pthread_setschedparam DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...
where the Ds repeat until the flow graph is terminated. Unfortunately, single-letter error codes (assuming that's what these are) are extremely difficult to search for online!
Its indicating an overflow.
"When UHD software detects the overflow, it prints an 'O' or 'D'"
Here's the documentation: http://files.ettus.com/manual/page_general.html#general_ounotes