Top "Gnuplot" questions

Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms.

Naming the legend entry in Gnuplot, while plotting from a data file

I am plotting a data file with six columns in gnuplot. If the plot of column 2 against column 1 is x(…

linux unix terminal plot gnuplot
gnuplot plot data from two files: in one x coordinate, in other y

I have two files: one with x coordinates, and other with y. Is there a way to plot this two …

unix plot gnuplot concat
Fitting a curve to specific data

I have the following data in my thesis: 28 45 91 14 102 11 393 5 4492 1.77 I need to fit a curve into this. If I plot it, …

r gnuplot curve-fitting curve
Thicker lines in the legend of gnuplot

I'm plotting some data curves with gnuplot, and they look like this: However, the line samples in the legend are …

gnuplot legend presentation
drawing a circle of radius R around a point

I'm using gnuplot, and I wonder if it is possible to draw a circle of radius R around a given …

gnuplot geometry
gnuplot stdin, how to plot two lines?

I'm trying to produce a plot with two lines using data taken from stdin. I have a file "test.csv": 0,1.1,2 1,2,3 2,6,4 4,4.6,5 5,5,6 …

Zoom out in Octave / gnuplot

I use Octave with gnuplot under Windows. I can zoom in using the right mouse button. But how can I …

octave gnuplot
How to save a graph through command line with Gnuplot?

gnuplot -p -e "plot [-4:4] exp(-x**2 / 2); set terminal png size 400,300; set output 'xyz.png'" That's what I have tried. …

linux gnuplot
Gnuplot: add key outside plot without resizing plot

In gnuplot, I can put the key outside the plots using this command: set key outside; set key right top; …

plot gnuplot image-resizing
How to make points one color when a third column equals zero, and another color otherwise, in Gnuplot?

I need to vary the point color for a row of values based on the color in one column. The …

variables colors gnuplot