How set point type from data in gnuplot?
gnuplot script:
set terminal pngcairo size 640,480
set output "points.png"
set style data points
set auto x
set autoscale x
unset colorbox
plot '' using 2:1 with points notitle
32 35 8
34 34 6
36 28 1
34 32 2
28 30 7
38 30 9
34 29 2
35 36 9
39 34 3
31 33 9
28 31 6
35 30 5
33 41 4
32 37 3
how get point type from 3 column?
plot '' using 2:1 with points pt (:3) notitle // error
abstraction example:
gnuplot Version 4.6 patchlevel 4
There is no option to select the point type from the data file based on a column (equivalent to linecolor variable
, pointsize variable
or arrowstyle variable
). Basically you have two options:
Iterate over all possible point types (which you can extract with stats
if this should be variable) and for each number plot only those points which match the current point type:
stats '' using 3 nooutput
unset key
set style data points
plot for [i=STATS_min:STATS_max] '' using 2:($3 == i ? $1 : 1/0) lt 1 pt i ps 2
Use the labels
plotting style and a sequence of unicode point symbols from which you select using the value from the third column as index. (use e.g. or to find suitable symbols)
unset key
set encoding utf8
symbol(z) = "•✷+△♠□♣♥♦"[int(z):int(z)]
plot '' using 2:1:(symbol($3)) with labels textcolor lt 1