Top "Glassfish" questions

GlassFish is the reference Java EE application server.

Stateless session bean with instance variables

I have a stateless session bean that contains one public method, several private methods, and some instance level variables. Below …

java jakarta-ee glassfish stateless-session-bean
GlassFish in Eclipse complains "GlassFish v3 requires a JDK 1.6 and not a JRE"

I am running: Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Helios Service Release 2 Build id: 20110218-0911 I have also …

eclipse eclipse-plugin glassfish
How to use 3rd party libraries in glassfish?

I need to connect to a MongoDB instance from my EJB3 application, running on glassfish 3.0.1. The Mongo project provides a …

mongodb glassfish java-ee-6 glassfish-3
Captcha servlet causes java.lang.IllegalStateException: PWC3999: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed

I am creating a CAPTCHA input using SimpleCaptcha, and did validation of the Captcha input. I am created a captcha …

session servlets glassfish captcha simplecaptcha
"The system cannot find the path specified." error message when trying to start GlassFish with asadmin

I tried to follow The Java EE 6 Tutorial and start GlassFish with the command below. But I got an error …

windows glassfish asadmin
meaning of this glassfish warning: context path differs from bundle

I'm not quite sure what this error message is indicating: INFO: visiting unvisited references INFO: visiting unvisited references INFO: visiting …

jakarta-ee netbeans glassfish bundle application.xml
How to write a file to resource/images folder of the app?

I would like to upload an image and store it on the server, and later to show it with h:…

jsf file-upload glassfish jsf-2.2
Jetty, Tomcat, Nginx, Geronimo, Glassfish: I'm confused

As someone new to the Java EE ecosystem, I'm confused with these products which share a tremendous amount of keywords. …

tomcat glassfish nginx jetty application-server
Proper usage of JDBC Connection Pool (Glassfish)

I need a database connection in Java Web service implemented as a session bean, and I'm not sure if I …

java jdbc jakarta-ee glassfish jndi
Using the context-root from glassfish-web.xml in GlassFish 3

We recently switched to Glassfish and have several Web-Applications packaged as war files. At times the desired context-root for these …

glassfish war asadmin contextroot