I am trying to connect to GlassFish 3's JMS service from a standalone remote client. However I am getting a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.ResourceAdapter. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Here's my setup so far:
Glassfish 3 JMS Service in LOCAL mode (I am assuming that EMBEDED mode will not work in this case because it bypasses the network stack)
JNDI properties are specified as follows:
java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming java.naming.factory.state=com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.JNDIStateFactoryImpl
gf-client-module.jar (in GLASSFISH_HOME/modules) added to the standalone application's classpath. Also tried adding other jars present in the modules directory (such as jms-core.jar), but still getting the same ClassNotFoundException.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Instead of using all of the individual Glassfish jar files that you might need (such as gf-client-module.jar, imqjmsra.jar, and imqbroker.jar), the preferred method is to use the gf-client.jar file. It can be found at $GLASSFISH_HOME/lib.
There is more information at http://glassfish.java.net/javaee5/ejb/EJB_FAQ.html#StandaloneRemoteEJB. That document pertains to using EJBs in standalone clients, but the solution is the same for using JMS.