Top "Gitignore" questions

.gitignore is a file that lists files, directories, and/or path patterns that Git should not include as part of a repository.

.gitignore exclude specific file

I am trying to use .gitignore file to exclude templates.js located in public/app/ folder. My .gitignore file looks …

git gitignore
Using git, how do I ignore a file in one branch but have it committed in another branch?

I've got a project that I'm deploying to Heroku. The source code tree includes a bunch of mp3 files (the …

git gitignore
Android studio - should the entire .idea directory be in git ignore?

I saw a lot of examples for .gitignore files for AndroidStudio, some have .idea in them, and some don't. Is …

android git android-studio gitignore
How to tell git to ignore individual lines, i.e. gitignore for specific lines of code

.gitignore can ignore whole files, but is there a way to ignore specific lines of code while coding? I frequently …

git gitignore ignore
.gitignore not ignoring .idea path

What am I missing that needs to be done in order to get git to ignore my .idea/ path? ctote@…

git gitignore
Gitignore won't ignore .vs folder for Visual Studio 2015 RC on Windows7/8

This one has stumped several team members on Windows, running Git. We've tried all sorts of explicit and wildcard entries …

windows git directory gitignore visual-studio-2015
Exceptions in .gitignore

How can I add an exception to .gitignore, like "ignore all the .dll files BUT myfile.dll"?

git gitignore
.gitignore file, where should I put it in my xcode project?

I want git to ignore my UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate file in my XCode4 project, but where should I put the .gitignore …

xcode git gitignore
Can you have additional .gitignore per directory within a single repo?

Can you create a .gitignore file in a directory that only applies to files (and directories) within that directory?

git version-control repository gitignore
what should be in .gitignore file for a netbeans java project?

What should be the content of the .gitignore file for a java project in netbeans?

git netbeans gitignore