Using gitattributes for linguist examples

Vitali picture Vitali · Nov 17, 2016 · Viewed 10k times · Source

Are there any concrete examples, in order to detect wrong languages in GitHub via Linguist attributes?


  • linguist-documentation
  • linguist-language
  • linguist-vendored


pchaigno picture pchaigno · Mar 31, 2017

Examples can be found in Linguist's documentation. What you want can be achieved with linguist-language attributes.


With the following attribute, Linguist detects all .rb files as being Java files.

*.rb linguist-language=Java


With the following attribute, Linguist detects files in the special-vendored-path directory (notice the mandatory trailing *) as vendored and excludes them from statistics.

special-vendored-path/* linguist-vendored


Without the following attribute, Linguist would detect the file docs/formatter.rb as documentation and exclude it from statistics.

docs/formatter.rb linguist-documentation=false


With the following attribute, Linguist counts SQL files in statistics. Without this attribute, only programming and markup languages are counted in statistics.

*.sql linguist-detectable=true