Top "Github-desktop" questions

GitHub Desktop is a graphical user interface for macOS and Windows, used to contribute to projects on GitHub and GitHub Enterprise.

Going back to a previous commit in Github Desktop

I am trying to use GitHub Desktop (i.e. the GUI application - NOT command line) to go back to …

git github github-desktop
How do I delete a local branch on Github Desktop?

Last week I upgraded my Windows Github to Github Desktop. It is certainly a lot faster than that last update …

github github-for-windows github-desktop
How can I undo discard changes in GitHub Desktop?

Is there any way to undo discard changes in GitHub Desktop, after the Undo button has disappeared? I am talking …

git github github-desktop
"Commit failed - exit code 1 received" when trying to commit a new local reprository in gihub desktop

when I am trying to commit my new local repository at GitHub from GitHub-desktop it is throwing an error "Commit …

github github-desktop
How Can I Configure GitHub Desktop/Windows to Work with a Proxy?

New to working with git in Windows. I downloaded the GitHub Desktop application and can connect my account, but doing …

proxy github-for-windows github-desktop
Discard all changes at once using GitHub Desktop

How can I discard all changes at once in GitHub Desktop? (I use it on Windows) I used to do: …

git github github-desktop
GitHub Desktop is committing ignored files

My GitHub Desktop app is trying to commit a bunch of files that are (supposedly) ignored. As you can see, …

git gitignore github-desktop
Squash Commits in Git Desktop

I'm trying to squash 6 commits into a single commit using a branch that I already pushed to GitHub. I tried …

git github github-desktop
Why was git installed in AppData instead of Program Files?

I installed the GitHub Desktop app in my Windows 7 from here and then restarted my laptop. I go to the …

git github installation appdata github-desktop
Can't checkout remote branch using GitHub Desktop

When I first clone a repo using GitHub Desktop (windows version), I'm able to see all of the branches and …

github github-desktop