Top "Github-api" questions

An API used to retrieve information about data on GitHub.

GraphQL query based on a specific value of a field

I want to be able to retrieve the latest release from GitHub for a specific repo using their GraphQL API. …

graphql github-api github-api-v4
How to get all of a user's public github commits

Regardless of project, I'd like to know if there's an easy way of getting all commits to all public repositories …

github github-api
Github user email is null, despite user:email scope

I am following Github’s OAuth flow, and obtaining an access token that gives me access to the user’s …

GitHub v3 API: Get full commit list for large comparison

I'm trying to use the GitHub v3 API to get the full list of commits between two SHAs, using the …

git github github-api
GitHub API: Fetch all folders and Files in Single GET Request

In the GitHub API, I can issue a GET request of…

github github-api
GitHub API: Repositories Contributed To

Is there a way to get access to the data in the “Repositories contributed to” module on GitHub profile pages …

github github-api
GitHub API: using 'repo' scope, but still can't see private repos

Per the GitHub API docs, I am requesting the repo scope which gives access to private repositories. The user is …

authentication github github-api
Github api returns bad credentials even with oauth token

update: even such a request get bad credential ==> curl -H "Authorization: token [token]" =============== I made …

github oauth github-api github-oauth
GitHub API to Create a File

So I'm trying to familiarize myself with the GitHub API. I'm using cURL commands to implement some of their basic …

git curl github github-api http-put
Github API - retrieve user commits?

I'm trying build a method in which I can access a Github user name, and publish either all commits or …

api github github-api