How to use 'git pull' from the command line?

Chev picture Chev · Mar 22, 2012 · Viewed 148k times · Source

We were using a build script to automate our publishing process and it was working with SVN but now we are using Git and need to do some command line operations to pull from our remote repository.

I was able to follow the guide here and using the Git bash it works great. However, I need to perform these tasks from the Windows command line so that they can be executed by the script.

git pull origin master works in the Git bash.

cd "c:\program files (x86)\git\bin
git --git-dir=path\to\.git pull origin master 

fails with an error

Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Obviously my SSH key is not being used properly or something. I'm so new to this that I really have no clue what to do.


manojlds picture manojlds · Mar 22, 2012

Try setting the HOME environment variable in Windows to your home folder (c:\users\username).

( you can confirm that this is the problem by doing echo $HOME in git bash and echo %HOME% in cmd - latter might not be available )