I'm currently developing PL/SQL stored procedures for my company and I'd like to use a code revision control system to keep track of changes that other developers and I make. I like GIT for all its merits including distributed scm capabilities. Is there any IDE for PL/SQL development which supports GIT? Currently, I'm using JDeveloper because it also allows me to work on Java projects at the same time but I haven't been able to find a good GIT extension for it. Is there any chance that JDeveloper will officially support GIT in the future?
You can consider usage of IntelliJ IDEA which is great IDE for Java, have git support out of the box and there is SQL Code Assistant plugin (supporting PL/SQL)
There is JDeveloper plugin for git in early stages of development (currently only cloning of repositories is implemented) on http://mdlwr.amr-gawish.com/jdeveloper-git-plugin, you can follow development process and see how it goes...