Git interoperability with a Mercurial Repository

Hugo Sereno Ferreira picture Hugo Sereno Ferreira · May 19, 2009 · Viewed 45.9k times · Source

I use GIT on a Mac. Enough said. I have the tools, I have the experience. And I want to continue to use it. No wars here...

The problem is always with interoperability. Most people use SVN, which is great for me. Git SVN works out of the box, and is a no frills solution. People can continue happily use SVN and I don't lose my workflow and neither my tools.

Now... Some guys come along with Mercurial. Fine for them: they have their reasons. But I can't find any GIT HG out-of-the-box. I don't want to switch to HG, but I still need to interoperate with their repository.

Any of you guys know a simple solution for this?


FelipeC picture FelipeC · Nov 13, 2012

There's a new git-remote-hg that provides native support:

Bridge support in Git for Mercurial and Bazaar

Just copy git-remote-hg to your $PATH, make it executable, and that's it, no dependencies (other than Mercurial):

git clone hg::

You should be able to push and pull from it as if it was a native Git repository.

When you push new Git branches, Mercurial bookmarks will be created for them.

See the git-remote-hg wiki for more information.